Due to the renovations soon to be undertaken at the Chapel of the Motherhouse in Auteuil, Paris, the coffin of St. Marie Eugenie was transferred to another resting place within the grounds of the convent.
On July 8th, at the end of the last Mass celebrated by Father Duloisy, the pastor of Notre Dame de l’Assomption [the parish church of the Motherhouse], the transfer of the remains of Saint Marie Eugenie of Jesus took place. Her coffin was carried by Sister Diana and the members of the General Council and was venerated by all the sisters who were present: the Auteuil community, the sisters of the Third Year, Sister Therese Maylis, the archivist, and others passing through.
The General Council placed the coffin in the gathering space within the Chapel, giving everyone the possibility to venerate it. Once outside, the Council, carrying the coffin, walked between a guard of honor formed by all present holding small lit candles.
Then, next to the grave markers outside the chapel, the coffin was lowered into a temporary vault, where it will stay during the time that the chapel is being renovated. Pilgrims coming from all over the world can thus still come to pray to Saint Marie Eugenie.
Click here to see a video of the ceremony.
(Tip: to get the full screen view, click on the double-headed arrow on the lower right corner of the video screen, beside the icon for volume.)
To see the Chapel renovation in different stages click:
Removal of Chapel stalls (1), (2), (3)