The Earth is a place of Glory for God! St. Marie Eugenie

August 15, 2009

A Message from Sr. Marjo and the Provincial Council

August 6, 2009

Novena Of The Assumption, August 6 - 14, 2009

Walk with us toward the celebration of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15) with this novena.

Spend a few moments each day contemplating Mary and praying with her.

"As they [the Religious of the Assumption] journey in faith,

Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is there.

In her, one like themselves,

the sisters discover how great

is a woman's capacity for love.

In Mary, all was adoration.

She allowed the Life of the Trinity

gradually to pervade her whole being

until the moment when

the glory of God broke through her weakness

in the mystery of the Assumption."

- from the Prologue of the Rule of Life of the Religious of the Assumption

Day 1, August 6

Day 2, August 7

Day 3, August 8

Day 4, August 9

Day 5, August 10

Day 6, August 11

Day 7, August 12

Day 8, August 13

Day 9, August 14

A blessed and happy Feast of the Assumption to you from all the Assumption Sisters!
