The Earth is a place of Glory for God! St. Marie Eugenie

October 14, 2010

A Message From Bishop Joseph Luechai Thatwisai of Udon Thani

Catholic Diocese of Udon Thani 
41002 Bishop’s Office, P.O. Box 2, Posri Station 
(042) 243990 Udon Thani 41002, THAILAND 
E-mail : 
Tel. (66-42) 321451-2 Fax. (66-42) 243990 

Welcome Message of Bishop Joseph Luechai Thatwisai 
To the Participants of 
‘Asian Formation Session for Assumption Sisters’ 
Thabom, Thailand,  October 14-23, 2010 

Sr. Maria Josefina Matias, Provincial Superior, Philippines-Thailand; Sr. Maria Emmanuel Melocoton, General Councilor; Formators, Resource Persons, Working Teams; and Participants to the Asian Formation Session for Assumption Sisters‟—a very pleasant day to all of you! It is truly with much joy and honor that I welcome you all to Thabom, Thailand—which happens to be in our own Diocese of Udon Thani, the chosen venue for your ASIAN Formation Session. 

Bishop Joseph Luechai Thatwisai

The Assumption Sisters are well respected and known for their ministry of providing and promoting good quality education, and integrating the same to their highly prioritized service to the poor and marginalized. Your Session theme, “Living Transitions,” on the other hand, evokes a dynamic process and forward movement in adapting to some necessary changes or new stages /chapters /strategies, if you will, in your pursuit to encounter the Living Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as well as in your pursuit to go deeper in living out your spirituality, charism and mission in the Asian context. My particular prayer for you, therefore, is that in this gathering, you may all closely encounter the Lord Jesus Christ and His Will, in the light and fire of the Holy Spirit, such that you may come up in the end with a well-integrated Vision and Mission as Religious of the Assumption Sisters coming from and being/serving in the various parts of Asia. Likewise, may you leave this ASIAN Session fully happy, satisfied, re-charged, empowered, and renewed—knowing that you have allowed our Lord Jesus Christ to take the lead. I invoke the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary as well as of St. Marie Eugenie, your holy Foundress, in interceding for these requests.

Please be assured, moreover, of my full participation in this worthwhile gathering and renewal program, even in spirit, as I commit to include you all in my priestly blessing when I celebrate the Eucharist.

Again, a warm brotherly welcome to one and all! 

+Bishop Joseph Luechai Thatwisai 
Diocese of Udon Thani, Thailand 

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